佛山市三川恒伟家具有限公司自2004年建厂以来一直致力研发,生产,销售,售后各样的礼堂椅,影院椅。工厂占地面积达30000+平方,办公环境优美,产品丰富,质量稳定。 长期以来产品一直以质量为中心,服务围上为甲方提供舒适 ,易安装,少售后赢得崇高的声誉。 我司每年还不停的推出的产品,帮助广大的顾客朋友投标 ,中标。 欢迎广大客户朋友来我厂合作,支持。
Foshan Seating factory was established in 2004,an ISO 9001:2005 company, and today it is one of the leading manufacturer for seating systems, catering for various markets. Our main products are Auditorium seatings,cinema seatings,lecture hall seatings,educational institutes seatings.Because of our years of experience,we are completely aware of he needs of market and clients,which help us fullfill with their requirements more appropriately.Henking seating delivers comprehensive care and superior customers service.Whatever the venue,quality comes first,we foucus on every detail of your seating projects,studying every seat,nut,bolt and component .after all,superior quality can only by achieved.Apart from original design,we accept product customization as well.Providing one stop service to client from design,drawing,sample,testing,production,inspection,transportation and installation,after-sales service.
主营地区广东佛山 |
经营模式或其他机构 |
主要客户群所有人群 |
经营范围礼堂椅,影院椅,阶梯排椅,课桌椅 |
公司邮编528000 |
行政区域广东佛山 |
公司地址龙江镇陈涌工业区建业路5号 |